Thursday, March 10, 2011

Jan 31, 2011 - Morning Tea

Getting out of bed in these winters have always been a task. Today it required a bit more, not that today was low on temperature or I had gone to bed late last night. It was due to uncle's calling out from down stairs. The smell of coffee or tea had not reached my nostrils, nor the sweet call from my wife, but the sound of marching drums coming from Uncle.

"Where are you hiding today" he called out. With no alternative I just pushed myself out of bed and rushed down. Hearing that I was slow, old and lost my crispness. Pushing a smile on my face I looked around. The "UNCLE" was just missing, not to be seen. Where had he gone. Just as I was about to sit on my chair, a voice again called out "Not There" I looked towards the kitchen from where the sound had come, and I saw "Uncle" carrying the tea and my wife standing behind with a big smile.

Today the tea is going to be strong, really strong. "So dear what have you been doing" saying so uncle sat on my favorite chair. "Heard you have been to your home town, and have you brought my "Makki ka Atta" before I could say anything, I saw my wife carrying a bag full of flour for uncle G., for she knew that "Uncleji" would not leave without his share, and as always I had carried his share packed separately for him. It was because of Uncle that life was never boring. As a few sips of tea rolled down my throat, it was just the right time to utter the words which Uncle had really come to discuss.

First I thought let me play with uncle and not utter those two words, it would be great fun, but when I saw my wife smiling and nudging me to just say it, I pushed in another sip of tea. The sip had not even traveled the short distance from the cup to my stomach, my wife gave me another bigger smile, and before that smile could turn into a frown I said "How's Aunty Ji" with a big smile.

This had triggered a bomb, The sip of tea just froze in Uncle's mouth, and he looked around, seeing that no-one was around Uncle slowly let the sip of tea flow in his system. For many if you ask me "Aunty" is truly a Bomb, and many would just keep away fearing to be hit if exploded, and with the kind of short fuse she has, it could happen any moment. In case you do not find any updates on Facebook be sure she has read this ...

to be continued ...

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