In spite of what you have been told by everyone,
the truth is Valentine's Day originated hundreds of years ago,
in the North West Frontier now in Pakistan.
It is a well known fact that men from that region and also the west,
continually mistreat and disrespect their wives.
It so happened that in one particular place
each time the man was beating his wife his nephew would also watch
And was so frustrated about his Taya (Father's Elder Brother)
That when one fine day, having had enough "torture" by her husband, finally chose to rebel by beating him up with a Velan (rolling pin).
The child saw his Tayi (Wife of Father's Elder Brother)
he called out
“Velan Tayi Velan”
And inspired by the call, the Tayi pulled out the Velan and bashed the Taya of the child
It was this cry “Velan Tayi Velan” which became the war cry at that time
Yes....the same Velan which she used daily, to make chapattis for him....
only this time, instead of the dough, it was the husband who was flattened.
This was a momentous occasion for all women and a revolt soon spread,
like wild fire,
with thousands of housewives beating up their husbands with the Velan.
Having been beaten badly the men folk got the news about the beating and burnt all the Velan,
Now with no velan to beat resulted in No velan to cook too.
And so was the Tandoori Roti invented.
As you know that this beating of wife was more of a culture which had come from the west
The news about the beating also spread back to the west
As you can see in most of the middle east and the western countries
they still do not use any Velan
And bake all their Bread till date
It was only when some westerns visited India and saw here that women were given their due respect
Here in India women were even given flowers etc.
The Mogra for their hair do, Roses too,
seeing that men giving flowers
they too went back and gave flowers to get back the love of their wife's.
Seeing their men folk bring flowers
the women there also started to cook with the Velan.
But this time the Velan were bigger and heavier.
So you will see that the Velan in West are bigger and heavier
and in places where they are slimmer they are longer.
and they still use Velan to prepare only a few special dishes.
Now you all know the reason why Valentine Day is celebrated
Why men folk bring flowers to their wife's and lovers
This custom is only done in the community which use to ill treat their women.
So next time when you send flowers to your lover on this day
it is clear to which group you belong.
If you really love,
you will bring flowers when ever possible and not wait for this day only.
This day is now only for those who used to ill treat their wife's
the truth is Valentine's Day originated hundreds of years ago,
in the North West Frontier now in Pakistan.
It is a well known fact that men from that region and also the west,
continually mistreat and disrespect their wives.
It so happened that in one particular place
each time the man was beating his wife his nephew would also watch

That when one fine day, having had enough "torture" by her husband, finally chose to rebel by beating him up with a Velan (rolling pin).
The child saw his Tayi (Wife of Father's Elder Brother)
he called out
“Velan Tayi Velan”
And inspired by the call, the Tayi pulled out the Velan and bashed the Taya of the child
It was this cry “Velan Tayi Velan” which became the war cry at that time
Yes....the same Velan which she used daily, to make chapattis for him....
only this time, instead of the dough, it was the husband who was flattened.
This was a momentous occasion for all women and a revolt soon spread,
like wild fire,
with thousands of housewives beating up their husbands with the Velan.
Having been beaten badly the men folk got the news about the beating and burnt all the Velan,
Now with no velan to beat resulted in No velan to cook too.
And so was the Tandoori Roti invented.
As you know that this beating of wife was more of a culture which had come from the west
The news about the beating also spread back to the west
As you can see in most of the middle east and the western countries
they still do not use any Velan
And bake all their Bread till date
It was only when some westerns visited India and saw here that women were given their due respect
Here in India women were even given flowers etc.
The Mogra for their hair do, Roses too,
seeing that men giving flowers
they too went back and gave flowers to get back the love of their wife's.
Seeing their men folk bring flowers
the women there also started to cook with the Velan.
But this time the Velan were bigger and heavier.
So you will see that the Velan in West are bigger and heavier
and in places where they are slimmer they are longer.
and they still use Velan to prepare only a few special dishes.
Now you all know the reason why Valentine Day is celebrated
Why men folk bring flowers to their wife's and lovers
This custom is only done in the community which use to ill treat their women.
So next time when you send flowers to your lover on this day
it is clear to which group you belong.
If you really love,
you will bring flowers when ever possible and not wait for this day only.
This day is now only for those who used to ill treat their wife's
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