Nov 09, 2010
The smell of coffee always pulls me out of bed ... today the smell of roasting coffee was so great that I slowly got out off bed and walked to the chair. The same old chair has waited for me for the past so many years and so had the small table and so had the daily newspaper , a big bundle this time for I had not visited all of them for over a week, and not to forget my old friend Lord Ram with his smile .... "Late" he said .. "Late" I asked or did I say something else ..... it was something which came out of my sour throat ..... As I picked my cup the fragrance of the long leaf was very clear but had I not smelled coffee when I woke-up and walked to the chair , I was very sure ..... I looked back towards the kitchen and saw my wife smilling and her wet hair from an early bath made me say nothing. I took another sip of the cup of tea. It was refreshing as ever ...... slowly I turned again towards Lord Ram and picked my newspaper "Obama" written all over the newspaper. "Diwali" had come and gone and I had spent most of the time on Bed .... I looked again at the smile ..... "spending my life" I said "Spending it" he inquired ... Had you not talked about death the other day ... had I not experienced one ..... a small twist in his eyebrows and I knew I was wrong, it was not death he had talked nor had I experienced Death, something wrong somewhere Smelling coffee and getting tea .... what ever it may have been but I know there is nothing in "Death" it is just getting born again ... giving rest to the lamp which had been with you for these so many years for the dawn was breaking , a new day starting ..... only the birds know of this and they start chirpping before the light of the the dawn comes ... was I chirpping like the birds today a bit extra than ever ... maybe ... the dawn was breaking ... my birthday was here, new birth I said and sipped my tea, and he just smilled again and I love that more than anythingelse ... while he shifted the pages I asked where is my birthday gift ....

Oct 31, 2010
So its your B'day he said ... not today, I said .... adding nothing more to it .. he just kept sipping his tea ... taking another bite into the butter cookie he just looked at the newspaper and changed pages ...... But why was he talking about the Birthday today, specially when he knew that it was not today ... maybe I have to die today .. and be born somewhere else ..... so my day is coming to an end .. so today I will breath my last ..maybe .... I called my wife and asked her to make one more cup of tea ... give him a chilled one today ... he added .. putting me in Ice ... so it is going to be in the evening being a hindu the last rites are not done after sun set .. so they will have to keep my body in Ice till the next morning ... taking another sip from my tea I asked what's the most interesting news today ...... What do you think of birthday's ? he asked .... I consider them as start .. start of life, the day we are born .... but this was not sufficient .. Was I born on that day ? ... "No" my existance had started much earlier .... this day I just came out of the womb .. but my life started much earlier ... and just the question of my birthday had made me die too .... so was it my death today ... so what is all this ... confused I just took another sip from my tea and realised that it was my last sip of the cup ... adding more from the tea pot ... so your tea is over ... no I said taking another sip from the freashly added tea .......
Oct 30, 2010
Living in a society has its advantage, as we were sipping our coffee today I saw my mother coming,. "Namaste" he said and my mother replied with "Namaste" ... my mother does not drink tea but only coffee, and maybe because of that it was coffee today ... being a scholar in sanskrit my mother would sometimes talk to him for hours and that too in sanskrit. I would just stare at them as if I was watching a Tennis match ... and today was one such day ... spreading the newspaper on the table I just watched them enjoy their conversation .... Today the newspaper has several pages he inquired taking a short break from the conversation with my mother .. "Yes" I said .. today the big crocodiles of the Real Esate have a field day ... I added .... but you provide your services to these crocodiles ... and it is from your input, that helps these crocodiles make their kill my mother added .... "No" I said it is my input which stops them from being crocodile I said ... it is because of me that thousand have been saved from been eaten alive I said again ... hearing this they both smiled and said "namaste" ... but why "namaste" I asked .... will tell you when we return and both stood up and started their next round of walk talking in sanskrit again, how about doing "Sandhi Vished" they said, and I was left sipping my coffee. "Sandhi Viched" is breaking the word and if I looked at "Namaste" it would be made of two words "Namah" and "Te" and it would mean (Namah - Bow/salute/) and (Te - within you) ..... WOW I said now I know why they both exchanged salutation of "Namaste" ..... waiting for them to return and give a better and more to my inquisitive mind ...
Oct 29, 2010
"I think one of the papers is missing he asked, "Sure" I said ... have asked my Newspaper vendor to stop the Urdu newspaper I said ... but Why ? the query came ... Why not ? I queried back ... I was angry at the editor of the Urdu Newspaper, he is expected to be partial, Urdu language is not only for the muslims it is equally liked by the Hindu's too .. till recently, it had been the main language for the north Indians ... I myself had taken classes in Urdu language for the sweetness the language has ... so many have said so much about the richness of the language .... never has anybody said that it is hindu or muslim, what they all have said is that it is rich and that it is sweet ... but today I feel that richness has been stolen away and the sweetness has turned bitter ..... the anger still in me .. I did not want to say all this to him .... keeping my thoughts to myself .. I just told him that I was not happy with the editor and staff of "Rashtriya Sahara" which is suposed to be a national Urdu daily and had so asked with my vendor to stop delivering my copy of the newspaper .... I did not tell Lord Ram that I was more surprised to see the newspaper on the next day of "Dushera" there was no mention about it in the whole newspaper .... the President and the Prime misnister and even Sonia Gandhi and most of the promimnent VVIP's had taken part in the celebrations ... but none were reported ... no news about such a big festival nothing about Durga Visarjan, the newspaper was too biased or had just turned blind .... There is no use reading a newspaper which had turned blind or maybe got biased I strongly felt. Seeing my anger in me and not being expressed, he just gave a smile, and I knew I was wrong ... wrong because I had been influenced by a folly of the editorial staff .... why should this idea of newspaper being Hindu or Muslim come to my mind ..... I was reading the newspaper for the language "Urdu" and its richness and its sweetness ... the content was good and so was the use of the language ... the only thing which made be angry was the absence of a few reports which I expected .....the editorial might be in some pressure from someone but why should I be a part of that pressure .. why should I get angry ... why should I be biased .... "SORRY" ... SORRY I said again and apologised from Lord Ram and went to ask my newspaer vendor to tell him to start the circulation again ..... by the time I returned my tea had become cold and so had my anger... "Your cup of tea is cold now" .. Want to ask for another ? he asked, and we both shared another cup of tea .....
Oct 28, 2010
While we were sipping our tea, my phone started ringing. A call at this hour, must be something important, even my friends and associates from overseas, do not give a call at this hour. I picked the phone it was from my wife saying that she will be late from her walk and that I make the tea. But we are already enjoying our morning tea I said in surprise. If my wife was at her walk and we were having tea who made it ... I looked up keeping the phone on the table, smilingly he inquired, does it not the taste the same ? This was something I never expected, had it been Lord Krishna for whom playing tricks was always always easy, but not Lord Rama. I smiled and asked how ? .... with a surprise. I have tried making tea several times but all my preperations usually found their way to the sink instead of our lips. But this was just as my wife made ... no doubt about it ..... must have been those 14 years that made you so perfect I said ..... Must have been, he smiled back ..... saying nothing more on the tea, I refered back to Kalapana query of yesterday, it needed some answering ..... There were several aspects to her statement - What had made me think so much about it, and so well observed by Kalpana that - Women stay hungry and the husbands feel like God ... Me and my wife had been not in good terms for the last few days and suddenly about two days before "Karwa Chauth" ..... a truce had been called between us .. not that we said anything about the trucem but it had just happened ... and so true, I was intead feeling like God, the whole day ... while I was caring more about her the whole day .. I had not gone to my usual routine work, had called off most of my meetings, told my clients about my not being available to them on this day, seen and enjoyed seeing her in new clothes changing from one occasion to another ...... feeling like God ..... another observation of Kalpana was yet to answered, the fact about women thinking about other men while keeping fast in front of another ....... So dear God how do you feel Lord Rama asked ..... same like you feel I said .. when your devotees come to you with pooja plates singing hymns and thinking about their work, office or friend gossip, thinking about going to movie they are going to watch or have come from, all other things other than the pooja they are doing ... feeling like God he smiled again ... Yes I said feeling like God .. very confident that my wife and myself, we both might have fought, argued but loved each other so much that we both were God to each other, I as a God to my wife and my wife being a Goddess to me.... what a feeling ... this calls for another cup of tea I said as my Goddess returned from her walk .... "Devi" let's have another cup of tea I said ..... had I not completed my sentence and I saw "Sita" coming out of the kitchen with another cup of tea and some fresh cookies ... I smiled again and we all had laughed out loudly sipping our tea once again ......
Oct 27, 2010
Being late to tea is something that I never want to be ... but today was one such day ... as I pulled my chair I saw him taking his last sip of his tea. He asked me what was the reason for my thoughtfullness. I told him that there was a facebook entry by my school friend Kalpana Jaggi which had me think of so many things and it read
All Year Long, couples fight with each other (Not in dis-agreement but being dis-respectful to each other) and then on the day of "Karwa Chauth" Indian women stay hungry all day and pray for their husband's long life. In the evening women dress in all their finery and ornaments and deck up like new bride and make the ...husbands feel like God...... :((
How about being nice and respectful to each other all year long and praying together???How about dressing up for the Husband everyday and making each other feel special every moment??Some women are fasting supposedly for their husbands and yet thinking about another man that they are attracted to ..... ;))
It is a colorful, bright festival ..... just little confusing.
Hmmm he said ... but I was not satified and I could see it on his face that he knew that I was not satified. As always I waited for a reaction some hint. But he gently pushed the table away and took the last sip of tea and said "Soon dear soon" .... Soon what ? ... what soon ? I was getting restless and that was something he never wanted me to be .. so I just controlled myself and slowly asked again.
Oct 26, 2010
"Karwa Chauth" I said teasingly as Lord Ram pulled his chair to sit. Getting up early , very early in the morning, or is it morning yet when you get up to break open a coconut and watch your wife eat her "Sargi" , it is going to be long fast for her from this moment onwards, no food nor water, it will only after the pooja in the evening that a glass of milk will be the first intake and only after the moon rises from the east about 19:59 Hrs that another pooja and early dinner with the family. 20 years now that I have been part of this ritual, 20 years of married life and 20 years of living together... what was i dicusssing today 20 years for me seems to be a life time so much had changed in these 20 years but this day has been the same, the same getting up early if i just substract 14 years from it .. where would it all been .... how did you manage the 14 years I asked ...... the tinge in the smile said it all ... you miss someone and then you realise the importance of that person. Importance of Life and imporatnce of the absence .... we both sat a long time saying nothing .. just sipping our cup of teas
Oct 25, 2010
Since the days of my early morning tea with Lord Ram, I have noticed one thing, there are some days in the month, when I find Lord Ram sitting on chair rocking gently, much before I reach mine. I knew instantly today is the day when there will be lot to dicuss and lot to learn. Today was that day. Having arrived early from his morning walk he was already sipping his tea, teasingly going thru the "Panchang" (Ephimeris) and asked me what I was reading in it. With the last days query of the Golf and its link to life more in my mind I replied that I was looking for days of "Dooba Tara", this year "Venus" sets on October 20, 2010 and rises again on Nov 02, 2010. It is between these days when most of the buying and ceremonies like Marriage is avoided. But this was not what I wanted to discuss, my focus was on Golf and its link to life. Topic started only yesterday. He smiled again and inquired ... How many holes do you play? nine ususally and 18 whenever I can ... Nine in Sanskrit he inquired again. "Naumi" I replied ... same as "Ram Naumi" I added smilingly as this was my time to smile. He inquired again multiply any digit with nine and you get "nine" again I said 9 x 2 = 18 and 1 + 8 = 9, similarly 9 x 3 = 27, and 2 + 7 = 9. anything multiplied by nine is nine I said again, and that 9 was the number of equilibirium, and if one has to take life as a game one is to live it in the equilibirium, your ball may go in the ruff, water or sand hazards, always it will end in an equilibrium. that is how it should be taken. What a way I said and smiled. I was not letting it go, and inquired that I was not satisfied by only this I wanted more. I knew today he had come early and would be willing to answer a few extra questions. Smilingly he said watch your swing dear.
Oct 24, 2010
Being a sunday I woke up early today ... early because I did not want to miss my golf .... a game which we play not against someone else but against yourself ....... you create your own pressures and your own frustration ..... times was slowly passing by and I had been waiting long time for my morning tea ... It seemed today I would miss my tea and Golf too. Soon a whif passed from the kitchen door and I could smell the roasting of cofee beads ... so it is going to be freshly roasted coffee today ..WOW I said meakly .... I knew today I will miss my Golf ... fresh cofee also meant freshly baked cookies .. things are going to take sometime ... and soon from my first floor balcony I could see Lord Ram returning from his morning walk ... being all knowing he smiled at me, as if teasing me that I will be missing my golf today ..... or maybe the coffee and cookie aroma was good for a change. As we both settled down on our chairs, he asked me what do you think is the similarity between Golf and life ........ this made my brain go on a overdrive, not knowing much about either of them, and just learning them with each passing moment, I drew a blank face. But I also did not want to give in without a fight and started to explain Golf that it is a game which we play against ourselves and all the pressures and frustration that we build are our own making. Had I just completed saying this that I realised that life is also the same. You live your life and build your own frustrations and pressures. We all have our own way of going from hole to hole, turning towards him with an inquistive mind I asked him. Is there something to link to 18 hole to life. Taking a bite into the fresh cookie he took another sip of the coffee and smiled .. I knew that there was a link between this 18 hole too ... soon the cookie plate had finished and so had the coffee in the cup
Oct 23, 2010
Today Lord Rama had his usual smile on his face, and while sipping his tea, he inquired if I had told someone about the daily tea session. As i normally do not hide anything from him, told him about facebook and the note I had written. The smile stretched a bit more, and I could sense something, but could not understand. Taking a bigger sip he said "Tea today is different" keeping my sober posture I replied that it had rained yesterday and the morning breeze has a bit of chill, so maybe my wife has added a tinge of ginger in the tea.... keeping his smile he added .. maybe she now knows who you share your morning tea with ... maybe beacuse of that .... Maybe I confirmed ..... hearing it he smiled once again and added that, I may confirm to my wife that he had accepted her proposal to stay with us till his property dispute gets settled .....
Oct 22, 2010
Each morning Lord Ram visits me and we both share ideas and news over a cup of tea ..... today was very different, he was in his thoughtful mood, and looked very tired with pulled up eyebrows he said "How long do you think Supreme Court will take to decide my case .... I told him as things go about 15-20 years .... this made him really go sad ... I asked him ..why the gloom ... He told me ..... Now I really want to settle down ..... from Treeta to Dwapad and now Kalyug lot of water has passed thru the Saryu .... "Sita" has already started a Travel Agency, "Maruti" Nandan is busy making Cars ..... "Shatrugan" is busy in polls at Bihar, "Ravana" has been a big flop at the box office, "Lanka" is finally at peace .... everybody is so busy .... "Laxman" is expected to retire after this Aussie matches ..